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Siddha Medicine

pestle-and-mortar-with-chamomile-and-mint-isolated-on-whiteSid­dha Med­i­cine (“ சித்த மருத்துவம் ” or ” தமிழ் மருத்துவம் ” in Tamizh) is one of the old­est med­ical sys­tems known to mankind. Con­tem­po­rary Tamizh lit­er­a­ture holds that the sys­tem of Sid­dha med­i­cine orig­i­nat­ed in South­ern India, in the state of Tamil Nadu, as part of the trio Indi­an med­i­cines — ayurve­da, sid­dha and unani. Report­ed to have sur­faced more than 10000 years ago, the Sid­dha sys­tem of med­i­cine is con­sid­ered one of the most ancient tra­di­tion­al med­ical systems.

Sid­dhar­gal” or Sid­dhars were the pre­mier sci­en­tists of ancient days.

The Sid­dha sys­tem of med­i­cine is one of the ancient sys­tems con­tem­po­ra­ne­ous with those of the sub­merged lands, Egypt­ian, Mesopotami­an, Chi­nese and Gre­cian med­i­cines. The unique nature of this sys­tem is its con­tin­u­ous ser­vice to human­i­ty for more than five thou­sand years in com­bat­ing dis­eases and in main­tain­ing phys­i­cal, men­tal and moral health.

The Sid­dha sys­tem should be the first to expa­ti­ate tox­i­col­o­gy in a very refined man­ner. Many tox­ic plants and ele­ments are described in detail with their per­ni­cious­ness and the anti­dotes to cure the con­se­quences ensued. Anti­dotes for ani­mal bites, espe­cial­ly snake bites are unequalled by Sid­dha medications.

The pathol­o­gy explains 4448 dis­eases in detail. The treat­ments for dis­eases are done by med­ica­tions, numer­ous ther­a­pies and sur­gi­cal procedures.


yoga_Small_400x301Yoga  is a com­mon­ly known gener­ic term for phys­i­cal, men­tal, and spir­i­tu­al dis­ci­plines which orig­i­nat­ed in ancient India. yoga became pop­u­lar as a phys­i­cal sys­tem of health exer­cis­es across the West­ern world. Many stud­ies have tried to deter­mine the effec­tive­ness of yoga as a com­ple­men­tary inter­ven­tion for can­cer, schiz­o­phre­nia, asth­ma and heart patients. In a nation­al sur­vey, long-term yoga prac­ti­tion­ers in the Unit­ed States report­ed musculo–skeletal and men­tal health improvements.

Rāja yoga (“roy­al yoga”, “roy­al union”, also known as Clas­si­cal yoga and aṣṭān­ga yoga) is prac­ticed by us. Rāja yoga is tra­di­tion­al­ly referred to as aṣṭān­ga (eight-limbed) yoga because there are eight aspects to the path to which one must attend. Prac­tices that serve to main­tain for the indi­vid­ual the abil­i­ty to access this state may be con­sid­ered rāja yoga prac­tices. Thus rāja yoga encom­pass­es and dif­fer­en­ti­ates itself from oth­er forms of yoga by encour­ag­ing the mind to avoid the sort of absorp­tion in obses­sion­al prac­tice (includ­ing some tra­di­tion­al prac­tices) that can cre­ate false men­tal objects.

The eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga are:

  • Yama – code of con­duct, self-restraint
  • Niya­ma – reli­gious obser­vances, com­mit­ments to prac­tice, such as study and devotion
  • Āsana – inte­gra­tion of mind and body through phys­i­cal activity
  • Pranaya­ma – reg­u­la­tion of breath lead­ing to inte­gra­tion of mind and body
  • Pratya­hara – abstrac­tion of the sens­es, with­draw­al of the sens­es of per­cep­tion from their objects
  • Dha­rana – con­cen­tra­tion, one-point­ed­ness of mind
  • Dhyana – med­i­ta­tion (qui­et activ­i­ty that leads to samadhi)
  • Samād­hi – the qui­et state of bliss­ful aware­ness, super­con­scious state.

They are some­times divid­ed into the low­er and the upper four limbs, the low­er ones—from yama to pranayama—being par­al­lel to the low­er limbs of Hatha Yoga, while the upper ones—from pratya­hara to samadhi—being spe­cif­ic for the rāja yoga. The upper three limbs prac­ticed simul­ta­ne­ous­ly con­sti­tute the Samyama.

Asana in the sense of a pos­ture that one can hold for a peri­od of time, stay­ing relaxed and with nor­mal (calm) breath­ing (or, as some sources say, “with­out effort”).

In Eng­lish, the San­skrit word asana means “seat”, the place where one sits; or pos­ture, posi­tion of the body (any posi­tion). Asanas (in the sense of Yoga “pos­ture”) are said to derive from thevar­i­ous posi­tions of ani­mals’ bod­ies (whence are derived most of the names of the posi­tions). 84 asanas are con­sid­ered to be the main pos­tures, of which the high­est are Shir­shasan (head­stand) and Pad­masan (lotus).

The prac­tice of asanas affects the fol­low­ing aspects or planes of the human being:

  • phys­i­cal (blood cir­cu­la­tion, inner organs, glands, mus­cles, joints and nerve system)
  • psy­cho­log­i­cal (devel­op­ing emo­tion­al bal­ance and sta­bil­i­ty, harmony)
  • men­tal (improved abil­i­ty to con­cen­trate, memory)
  • con­scious­ness (puri­fy­ing and clar­i­fy­ing consciousness/awareness)


Massage 400x301Mas­sage is the manip­u­la­tion of super­fi­cial and deep­er lay­ers of mus­cle and con­nec­tive tis­sue using var­i­ous tech­niques, to enhance func­tion, aid in the heal­ing process, decrease mus­cle reflex activ­i­ty, inhib­it motor-neu­ron excitabil­i­ty,  pro­mote relax­ation and well-being,  and as a recre­ation­al activity.

Mas­sage involves work­ing and act­ing on the body with pres­sure – struc­tured, unstruc­tured, sta­tion­ary, or mov­ing – ten­sion, motion, or vibra­tion, done man­u­al­ly or with mechan­i­cal aids. Tar­get tis­sues may include mus­cles, ten­dons, lig­a­ments, fas­cia, skin, joints, or oth­er con­nec­tive tis­sue, as well as lym­phat­ic ves­sels, or organs of the gas­troin­testi­nal sys­tem. Mas­sage can be applied with the hands,  fin­gers, elbows, knees, fore­arm, or feet.

In Sid­dha, Tamil tra­di­tion­al med­i­cine from south India, Mas­sage is termed as “Thokkanam” and is clas­si­fied in to nine types, each for spe­cif­ic vari­ety of disease.

We prac­tice Sid­dha, Ayurvedic, Sweed­ish, Accu­pres­sure tech­niques of massage,

  • Var­ma Massage
  • Pan­chakar­ma
  • Udhwarthana — Weight loss therapy

Steam bath opens pores, soothes sore mus­cles, increas­es cir­cu­la­tion, and pro­vides a gen­er­al­ly relax­ing and healthy expe­ri­ence. Steam relax­es the body, acts as a immune boost­er, improves cir­cu­la­tion, removes tox­ins, cleans­es skin, it con­sid­er­ably reduces body fat there­by reduc­ing weight.

Our steam bath uses sophis­ti­cat­ed Ger­man tech­nol­o­gy with auto cut­off timer, tem­per­a­ture con­trol with dig­i­tal dis­play, tem­per­a­ture auto cut­off pro­vid­ing the max­i­mum safety.



Natur­opa­thy, or natur­o­path­ic med­i­cine, is a form of alter­na­tive med­i­cine based on a belief in vital­ism, which posits that a spe­cial ener­gy called vital ener­gy or vital force guides bod­i­ly process­es such as metab­o­lism, repro­duc­tion, growth, and adap­ta­tion. Natur­opa­thy favors a holis­tic approach with non-inva­sive treat­ment and, sim­i­lar to con­ven­tion­al med­i­cine, encour­ages min­i­mal use of surgery and drugs.